Travis Strong | Rea CPA-安全的赌博软件
Mar 20, 2024

What is Phishing? Understanding and Protecting Against Cyber Threats

Cybersecurity has become a necessary defense for all businesses and organizations. It can no longer be ignored. One of the most common and insidious threats we continue to face is phishing, likely because the bad actors are still successful at getting us to fall for their tricks. Let’s demystify phishing, providing you with practical tips to safeguard your digital life.
Feb 16, 2024

Staying Secure During Tax Season: Your Guide to Avoiding Phishing and Smishing Scams

As we approach another tax season, it's not just the crunch of numbers that should be on our minds but also the heightened risk of falling prey to cyber scams. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS), following its eighth annual Security Summit, has issued an early reminder: Be vigilant against phishing and smishing scams. This advice isn't just for those in the U.S. − cybercriminals are sharpening their tactics globally. Let's walk through essential tips to help you navigate this tricky period safely and confidently.
Jan 18, 2024

Business and Data Privacy: A Shared Responsibility

In the vast expanse of the digital age, the nexus between technology and privacy compels businesses to assume a crucial role in safeguarding the data entrusted to them. As we approach Data Privacy Week 2024, it’s imperative to explore the intricate sides of this collaborative responsibility that businesses and individuals jointly bear. This article delves into the critical aspect of legal and ethical compliance, emphasizing its profound impact on fostering trust, ensuring transparency, and navigating the evolving regulatory landscape.
Dec 15, 2023

‘Tis the Season for Online Shopping: How to Stay Safe While Shopping Online

In the age of one-click purchases and next-day deliveries, online shopping has become more than just a convenience—it's a way of life. Yet, as we fill our online carts with holiday gifts and everyday essentials, it's crucial to remember that cyberspace is also a playground for savvy cybercriminals.
Nov 14, 2023

Understanding the Dark Web: A Guide for Business Leaders

We often hear the term "dark web" thrown around. But what does it really mean? And more importantly, what do business leaders need to know? Let's shed light on this mysterious corner of the internet and understand its implications for your business. 
Oct 12, 2023

Cybersecurity Awareness Matters: Why Protection is for Everyone

In today's digitally driven world, where technology reigns supreme, cybersecurity has become an indispensable aspect of business operations. Whether you're running a sprawling corporate empire or a small local business, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated.
Aug 17, 2023

Navigating the Risks: How Technology Poses Threats to Your Business

Technology is an integral part of almost every aspect of business operations. From streamlining processes to enhancing communication, technology has undoubtedly brought numerous benefits to companies. However, along with its advantages, technology also poses various risks that businesses must be vigilant about. For your business to operate successfully, you must explore the potential risks that technology can present and discuss strategies to mitigate them effectively.
Aug 1, 2023

Leveraging AI and ChatGPT for Business Success

Join Rea’s Travis Strong, CISA and Josh Anderson, PMP CISSP, Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), GCIH, as they cover the basics of AI and Chat GPT, including what it is and why that matters for your business with special consideration for risks and guardrails.
Oct 26, 2022

The Three Components of Information Security

A data breach can certainly be harmful to your business, and whether it is the cause of an accidental event or an intentional action, it can damage your organization’s reputation or cause financial loss. So, what does it take to protect your data?
Feb 28, 2022

Concern About Cyber Threats Heightened by Russian Invasion

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has involved comprehensive cybersecurity attacks, both military in origin as well as activist oriented.
Feb 4, 2022

Data Security and Backup Options Essential to Selecting the Right Cloud-based Platform

Considering new options for cloud services, you are likely looking at Microsoft 365, the cloud-based platform for the ubiquitous Microsoft Office Suite.
Sep 23, 2021

Could Your School Survive A Data Breach?

Could your school survive a data breach? What you need to know to keep your school district safe.
Sep 8, 2021

Are You Certified?

Currently, over 300,000 companies conduct business with the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). If yours is one of them, you need to know about the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC).
Aug 3, 2021

Is The PrintNightmare Over? Are You Safe?

Here's how to find out if your system has the correct Microsoft Patch installed to protect you from PrintNightmware.
Jul 30, 2021

Rea Dental Client Uncovers Cybersecurity Risks After Risk Assessment

Yes, when it comes to cybersecurity, what you don't know CAN hurt you.
Jul 27, 2021

Cybersecurity: All The Things You Should Know

Wondering if your business is at risk of a cyberattack? Look to the statistics ... or, this article.
Jul 5, 2021

New Windows Vulnerability Is A Nightmare For Businesses

Read on to gain insight into the new PrintNightmare vulnerability.
Mar 25, 2021

Understanding The Important Role IT Security Plays In Your Dental Practice

What are you doing to protect your patient's data and your medical practice?
Mar 23, 2021

Are You Managing Your Cybersecurity Risk Exposure?

If your company became the newest victim of a cyber attack, would you be able to recover?
Mar 19, 2021

What Could A Cybercriminal Do To Your Dental Practice?

Your dental practice could be one click away from disaster. Learn how to protect it.
Feb 17, 2021

Are There Holes In Your Data Security Infrastructure?

Do you know what your IT department does to keep your company's data safe? We're offering a look behind the curtain.
Feb 17, 2021

Perspectives: What Does The IT Department Do?

Check out this list to find out if you really know what your IT department does.
Feb 15, 2021

Transforming Through Technology

Find out how we're leveraging technology to create efficiencies and capacity at Rea!
Jan 12, 2021

Data Breach Reported By Ubiquiti

Does your company utilize Ubiquiti devices? Don't wait. Take these data security measures now to protect your organization from hackers.
Nov 16, 2020

‘Ink Is Cheap. Legal Defense Is Expensive’

Are your business contracts putting you at risk? What you don't know will surprise you.
Sep 24, 2020

Protect Your Business From COVID-19 Cyber Attacks In 3 Steps

Free Resources For Business Owners Promote Greater Cyber Security And Data Protection.
Jul 1, 2020

One Wrong Click Can Spell Danger

The digital threat is real and not only is it catastrophic to the larger businesses, smaller companies are paying the price. Read on to learn more.
Mar 6, 2020

SHIELD Act Designed To Protect Consumer Privacy

Businesses To Comply With Cybersecurity Implementations as SHIELD Act Takes Effect March 21, 2020 Time is ticking for new and improved cybersecurity safeguards for businesses as the SHIELD Act’s data security deadlines take effect on March 21, 2020. New York’s “Stop Hacks and Improve Electronic Data Security Act” (SHIELD Act), N.Y. Gen Bus. Law§ 899-bb … Continued
Oct 27, 2019

Passwords: Turns Out We’ve Been Doing It Wrong This Whole Time

Report reveals that we've been creating and managing our passwords all wrong.
Apr 2, 2018

The Best Thing Since The Internet?

Is blockchain and cryptocurrency the way of the future? You be the judge.
Jan 18, 2018

Payday Problems: Cyber-Criminals Steal Payroll Funds From Atlanta Public Schools

Cyber-attacks have reached an all-time high and have started to focus on organizations we once thought were safer than businesses. Read on to find out how one attack in Atlanta claimed several victims.
Oct 24, 2017

Don’t Get Too Comfortable

Fairly recently, we watched as Equifax fell into some trouble. Soon thereafter, Deloitte found itself in its own cybersecurity situation. If these major companies can be infiltrated, what stopping a cybercriminal from targeting you?
Oct 11, 2017

On Your Guard

Not only are small businesses at an increased risk of being targeted by cybercriminals, once attacked, the likelihood of survival decreases significantly. Keep reading to for tips to help protect your company.
Sep 26, 2017

What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You

The likelihood of your email account being hijacked by malicious program or person is pretty good. And what cybercriminals can (and do) do with your account is bad – really bad. Read on to learn more.
May 18, 2017

Education Is The Enemy Of Cybercrime

Cybersecurity isn't going away. In fact, it's getting worse. Find out how Ohio Auditor of State Dave Yost is helping local businesses and government entities combat cybercrime.
Apr 11, 2017

Case Study: How To Survive A Ransomware Attack

Cybercrime is not going away. But you don't have to stand by while a cybercriminal infiltrates your network. Read on to learn how Jess Howard Electric Company beat the odds and survived Ransomware.
Mar 27, 2017

Can A Cybercriminal Crack Your Company’s Network?

Without the proper procedures in place business owners risk the very real threat of a large-scale assault on their company’s data. Would you be able to recover if your organization was attacked?
Feb 10, 2017

Will Your Entity Be Ransomware’s Next Target

Just one accidental click on a phishing email is enough to infect your entity's entire network of workstations and laptops. What will you do to protect your organization from Ransomware?
Jan 4, 2017

Don’t Take The Bait

As we dive into a new year, it’s likely that we will continue to see an uptick of cybercrime. Will this be the year your database will be breached?
Dec 13, 2016

Government Entities Are Not Immune To Cybercrime

The City of El Paso fell victim to phishing scam that attempted to swindle $3.2 million of taxpayer money from the government entity. Do you know how to respond to a cyberattack?
May 13, 2016

Could Your Entity Survive A Ransomware Attack?

I've worked with clients whose businesses were leveled by tornadoes, demolished by explosions, and whose server hardware failure literally sparked catastrophe. You can’t become complacent.
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